Reply To: Successful case of accessible destination development

  • Eleonora

    June 17, 2021 at 11:18 pm

    I totally agree on the need to understand which part of accessible tourism is making money and which prt should be the object of government support or be managed by non profit organisations. When I decided to create an actual for profit company, it was also a political statement as in « this is not a charity project for the disabled people » but a « this is a business catering for clients that need additional services or information before and while on holiday » . But to tell the truth, I did not find any data that could really help in prospecting sales or help building a business plan or specific products, it was all trial and error, with the error being the most frequent element. Another issue is how to reach your target public when there are no real statistics or case studies on the travel habits of people with different abilities but also totally different taste, age, needs, economic situation. Therefore doing marketing becomes very complex and you rely on intuition and observation of a limited public that is very active on social media and Facebook groups. But you cannot structure a marketing plan based on a few influencers as they are clearly exceptional people that have travel as almost a job. I think we don’t need the tech guys yet, as you wrote earlier, because we have limited data to draw from. Thanks Chris I will check out the links you sent and Kuniyasu I am in if I can help in anyway, this is a topic that now that we can hope to restart working becomes more and more important, especially when raising capital. I have a hard time trying to raise money from VCs with the argumentation that 1 on 3 people have some kind of disability or impairment, it’s not a useful concept In this case but it’s what everyone else puts forward for lack of something more specific.

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