Reply To: ”Person with an Impairment”

  • Chris G Veitch

    October 13, 2021 at 5:05 pm

    Great discussion topic, as ever it underlines how powerful language is.

    The uk govt has guidance on inclusive language:

    As you will see, the language is not necessarily fixed and needs to sensitive to the audience E.g. it says:

    Don’t automatically refer to ‘disabled people’ in all communications – many people who need disability benefits and services don’t identify with this term. Consider using ‘people with health conditions or impairments’ if it seems more appropriate.

    In the UK you will also see the term deaf and disabled people used

    Language is not easy, a key point though is I think, it must always be rooted in respect and if people are comfortable with different terms used we must acknowledge that. This presents a big challenge in marketing inclusive tourism. What words do you use, will they be matched by the search terms being used by a person the other side of the globe?

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