Reply To: Accessible Vietnam

  • charlotte

    October 11, 2018 at 8:28 pm

    Hi Kamil,

    Vietnam is not the most accessible country but it is totally possible to visit with an electric wheelchair.

    There are plenty of visits which are accessible and the travel agency Roll in Asia can provide an adapted hotel room, a van with ramps and a guide whom knows exactly where to go when using a wheelchair.

    No need of particular vaccination nor malaria treatment for Vietnam.

    Best season is pretty much always because there are 3 seasons at the same time in Vietnam depending if you are in the north, center or south  of the country; but in overall for the whole country March, April, May and June is really nice and September, October, November as well.

    Hope this helps.

    If you would like to get a tailored travel proposal feel free to email me with your preferred length of stay, how many people would travel, if you have a determined budget etc…

    Charlotte from Roll in Asia Travel.
    [email protected] 

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