Reply To: Vacation Disaster Preparation for People with Disabilities

  • Trouble with Me Podcast

    October 23, 2022 at 1:09 am

    When I travel, I do check potential weather hazards and try to avoid times of the year where there may be hurricanes, typhoons, heavy snow, heavy rain and the likes, as I know that if I’m caught in them, I’d have a difficult time moving around, to say the least.

    As for earthquakes, there’s not much you can do, aside from what Josh said. When I was in Japan, I had bottled water and non-perishable food for 2-3 days on a closet, plus knew the evacuation shelters in my area (got them from the local city ward and, at the time, it was about the only thing that I understood from the whole lot of information, as they were on a map), mostly school playgrounds and parks. We had a grade 6- earthquake, on the Japanese scale, and I waited it out inside my apartment (which was quite new) and stayed there for a few hours as elevators stopped working.

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