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Reply To: Import WAV to India
Hi Atiya,
The cost of importing would be high and would depend on the country you are importing it from. Since I don’t know your country of residence it difficult to specify.
But it would still have 200-300 % tax on it, equivalent to buying 2-3 cars in India. I would have to check if there is any relaxation on an adaptive vehicle. Also the vehicle also requires regular maintenance and depreciates over time. Availability of spare parts might be an issue and if there is a breakdown a lot of time would be wasted in repair.
There are wheelchair accessible taxis now available in few cities in India. If you can specify your city of residence while you are in India I can let you know the availability of the vehicle around it. It would be a good option to just hire a taxi for your usage in that case.
If you really want to have your own vehicle in India it would be cheaper to buy a vehicle here in India and get a hydraulic/manual lift installed to make it wheelchair accessible. There are some really good vehicle modifiers now in India who do a great job at it. Would be happy to connect to them if you want.
Hope this helps. 🙂