Reply To: Taking Large Items Of Disability Equipment On Trains

  • Accessible Japan

    April 14, 2018 at 9:42 am


    Regarding the cost of leaving the suitcase, please see this thread:

    For the Shinkansen, the official rule for luggage is:

    each passenger may bring up to two pieces of luggage onto trains, not including smaller bags. Each piece of luggage may not weight more than 30kg and its three dimensions (length, width and depth) may not add up to more than 250cm, while its length may not exceed 200cm

    This is the same for all lines of the Shinkansen.  So, you can bring two pieces, your helper can bring two pieces… but even with rules, there is a physical limitation on space (see pictures I have attached from the Japan Guide article on luggage (  They state in the article that:

    Overhead shelves on shinkansen trains are about 40cm high and 60cm deep and cannot accommodate large items. There is usually space for two to three large suitcases behind the last row of seats in each car on most long distance trains

    If the wheelchair is a standard folding manual wheelchair, it could fit in behind the last row of seats (I have seen folded strollers there), but definitely not in the overhead.

    I don’t know how many other suitcases etc you will bring with you, but if it is just you (in your power chair), a help person, and a folding manual chair, it should be fine.  You could try to put the wheelchair behind the seats first, if that doesn’t work you can fold it and leave it on the deck between train carriages but make sure it is not blocking the door or aisle (as a courtesy, when the train is going to stop, your help person should go to the wheelchair and be ready to move it).

    Worst case scenario, your help person could sit in the wheelchair on the deck.  This would also be cheaper than the regular seats 🙂

    Some people transport pro bicycles as well (see pictures), so it should be ok… but it would be best to ask JR directly as well via their contact form:

    Hope this helps!

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