Reply To: Bringing medication to Japan

  • shapkaa

    April 24, 2018 at 12:20 pm

    As an update, Kanto Shinetsu Regional Bureau of Health and Welfare just replied to me, and verified my medications are all fine to bring to Japan!! And I do not need paperwork.

    For future reference, for folks, this is what I listed (I put everything because I wanted to be thorough, since I was emailing anyway!):

    — Buproprion

    — Gabapentin

    –Tramadol HCL

    –Albuterol inhaler


    –Azithromycin (doc gave it to me as preventative for food poisoning)

    — ranitidine

    — Spironolactone



    –valcylovir HCL



    I hope y’all can relate to having to be on a ton of meds haha. I’m on even more than usual right now due to a safety incident, which complicates travel like this. Hopefully this helps someone in the future. I will report back on how the actual customs process goes a week from now. Hopefully, it all goes smoothly, but I have the email from the official source if anything goes wrong.


    Also, for those who take stimulants: unfortunately my doctor said there’s no good equivalent for Adderall that I can take while in Japan, so I need to forego treatment for my ADHD for two weeks while in Japan.

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