Reply To: Getting around Osaka

  • Chica

    February 18, 2024 at 6:24 pm

    Hi Josh

    Thanks for your response and hopefully the two members you mention see this post & can provide some further insight.

    I’m more familiar with Japan than most tourists, having travelled there many times over the years and speak a bit of nihongo wa. I know that there are very few benches/seats to rest and while I did look at renting a wheelchair & would definitely consider it, there is no way my father would unfortunately. So my compromise (which he doesn’t know yet) is that I will be carrying with me a portable stool (normal height) for him.

    I did get a response back from teamLabs and they have wheelchairs at the entry. So I’m hoping that by then, I can convince him to use that *just* for that experience.



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