Reply To: Wheelchair Accessible Onsen Hot Spring in Hakone near Tokyo

  • Accessible Japan

    June 25, 2018 at 8:02 pm


    It sort of depends on how disabled you are.  If you are able to walk a bit, you may be able to use an onsen or sento.  Also, if you can be carried, and have people who can carry you, then it could be possible.

    As I am a power wheelchair user I have very limited experience, so I asked my personal care attendant.

    First of all, there will be a genkan step where you remove your shoes before getting to the changing room.  After changing, there will be another step (often down to stop water from getting to the changing room in case of an overflow) into the showering area.  After showering, you get into the bath which will again require stepping up or down…

    He also said that any times he went with a disabled client they had to lift him to the bath…

    A better option would be to get a hotel room with an uchiburo, or bath in the room.

    I will keep looking though!

    (PS – here is what the baths at Thermae Yu look like –  Again, there will be the other two steps before getting to the bath.)

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