Group Description
Looking to travel to Japan and need accessibility information? Join our group discussion on accessible travel in Japan and discover the best tips and tricks.
The Japan group is a community of travelers who are passionate about exploring Japan and sharing their experiences with others. This group is dedicated to discussing all aspects of accessible travel in Japan, including accommodations, transportation, tourist attractions, and cultural experiences, as well as links to accessible travel companies and organizations.
Whether you have been here a million times or planning your first visit, the Japan group is a welcoming community that offers support and encouragement for travelers of all abilities. By sharing their experiences and knowledge, members of the group are helping to make travel in Japan more accessible and enjoyable for everyone.
Reply To: Where to hire a caregiver in Japan?
Thanks so much for the information!
I have contacted the hotel and unfortunately they do not have disability-friendly bathrooms and can’t help much with sourcing caregivers. I had the opportunity to talk to a doctor in Tokyo but she mentioned the same concern, that there are no English speaking cargivers in Karuizawa. I will be contacting the wedding coordinator shortly.
Thanks for providing links on Tabi support and Wigo. I will be contacting either companies because my parents might also need assistance with transportation within Tokyo. Coming from a quiet suburb, I would assume the population density of Tokyo might come as a shock for them. 🙂