Reply To: Parks in Japan with sakuras and a good accessibility design

  • Accessible Japan

    November 23, 2018 at 4:10 pm


    Hmmm… tough question.  I would divide parks in Japan into public parks (ie an area with an open space and usually some sort of lawn) and Japanese-garden “parks” (usually a charge to get in, very sculped, no lawn areas usuall just follow the path).

    Since cherry blossoms are so popular here, both typically have them.

    Typical cherry blossom viewing is done at the public parks because they are open enough to sit down under the trees and are found throughout Japan.  They are usually fairly flat, no areas are restricted for wheelchair users and there is almost always a separate accessible toilet available.

    Japanese gardens will often have some cherry blossoms trees as well, but the focus is more on quality over quantity.  These gardens usually have a set path for you to follow instead of going where you please.  They are more likely to be inaccessible because:

    • The path is usually gravel or large rocks (like stepping stones)
    • Some have hills with steps along the path
    • Some have narrow bridges across ponds etc

    To combat this, they often provide a map highlighting an accessible route for wheelchair users.

    Both tend to have benches to rest on.

    So, while I cannot think of a specific place (since sakura are everywhere), I think things like accessible toilets and benches are important.  Additionally, for places where some parts are inaccessible providing a map is a nice way to help with very little cost.

    Does this help?

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