Reply To: Disabled Veteran Unable to Attend AnimeJapan 2019

  • Accessible Japan

    December 28, 2018 at 4:06 pm


    Great to hear about your interest in Japan.

    For your battery charger, it should be OK as Japan is 100v.  However, you should always check with the maker of your scooter to confirm. (Here is more information on power here:  Also, you can rent a wheelchair or scooter here if that is easier. We can help you with that if you like.

    For a tour you could try Inside Japan Tours if you are looking for a package tour. They have custom tour for people with disabilities. There is also Trip Designer that has day tours for people with disabilities.

    Unfortunately, no tour company that I know of provides care assistants.  Most people travel with a care assistant from their own country.  There is one place that may be able to help you during your time here.  Let me know and I’ll put you in touch.

    Hope this helps!

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