Reply To: To thank josh for inspiring me and answering imp. q's

  • Josh Grisdale

    February 4, 2019 at 3:05 pm


    Not doing anything special, just doing what I can.  🙂

    I struggled with that question as well.  Personally, I don’t think I would mention it off the bat.  Especially if it is minor.

    For places where it wouldn’t matter, well, it wouldn’t matter either way so no need to say it.  For places that would turn you down on that aspect, not mentioning it will:

    • give you an opportunity to show your potential (you may not have had if application was rejected off the bat)
    • give the employer the opportunity to learn there are applicants with disabilities that have skills (after all they called you in for an interview based on your resume)
    • give you an opportunity to describe your needs in person (instead of an inexperienced employer assuming “it will be too hard” without discussing it)

    Anyway, I wouldn’t 🙂

    The only reason I might is if I looked up a company’s address and see it is in a basement or something on Street View – no point going if I can’t even get in!

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