Reply To: How did Josh do it?

  • Josh Grisdale

    January 25, 2018 at 11:09 am


    Since I’m the Josh in question, I am likely the most qualified to answer!

    First of all, for a non-disabled person the general order of things would be:

    1. Find an employer in Japan that will hire you and sponsor your visa, or transfer to the Japan branch of a global employer
    2. Work visa is issued by the government
    3. Move to Japan and start work/life (usually the employer helps you find an apartment, get registered with the city etc)

    For those with disabilities, the procedure is mostly the same but there is an additional step: setting up medical/welfare services.

    The welfare system is set up on a local level here in Japan.    If you register with your local city/town/ward, you are entitled to all of the services they provide since you pay into the city taxes.  So, it has nothing to do with your nationality, but your local residency. (Note: since it is local, the services can vary depending on where you live – even within a prefecture!)

    However, it takes time to get the services – possibly 3-6 months.  You need a disability identification card which means going to a city-assigned doctor (not just any doctor) to be “assessed” as to how disabled you are according to the city specifications, then the findings are sent back to the city, they meet with you a few times to negotiate things like the number of hours of help you need etc, and then you are put in the system.  This can take a bit of time.  Additionally, if you do need care attendants, you can only start making contracts once you are in the system.  Since the care attendant companies are often under-staffed, you may need to contact a number of companies to make contracts (ie company A helps on Mondays, company B does lunch-hour shifts on weekends, etc).  I use 5 different companies.  Once the contracts are settled you can then start using the care attendants.

    Since this takes some time, if you need a care attendant, you will likely need to arrange to bring someone with you to help you until you are settled.  A family member or a friend, or hire someone from your personal funds.

    So, more of a logistics problem than anything else.

    Hope this helped!

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