Reply To: Gender-free toilets in Canada

  • Marjorie

    September 3, 2021 at 11:08 pm

    @josh I remember that. Having to take my brother to the women’s room, getting lots of stares or it just not being big enough. Ontario is slowly adopting this plan on accessible toilets, gender free and Universal washrooms, including a hoyer lift and change table. This has been happening over the last couple years, and it always surprises me where they pop up. I’ve seen Universal washrooms in a park in Ajax, Ontario, at Scarborough Town Centre mall and at temp one at an outdoor event I went to.

    There is quite a big push for this to happen. I believe it started with mothers and fathers who needed somewhere dignified to change their children. It has morphed into, needing to lift someone safely, needing a toilet and a change table. Whatever your needs are, a washroom should have all facets provided to you.

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