Stuck in a foreign country because of corona?

  • Stuck in a foreign country because of corona?

    Posted by soniagroot on April 8, 2020 at 9:10 pm


    I understand that it’s a confusing time right now and that some people need a little bit of extra help.

    Let me be that person

    I noticed that world wide a lot of people are still stuck in foreign countries because of the corona.
    If you are one or know people that have this problem please don’t hesitate and ask me for help. I am an expert in traveling and researching.

    I can help with finding accommodation or maybe with questions about travel, medicine or the rules I would love to help you with it.

    This is an initiative of GrootTravels and completely voluntarily based.

    Hopefully we can help each other and make this situation more bearable


    soniagroot replied 4 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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