Mobility Scooters in Japan

  • Mobility Scooters in Japan

    Posted by Accessible Japan on October 2, 2017 at 5:08 pm

    Japan has typically great accessibility, but it is really lagging behind when it comes to mobility scooters.  A member of our community recently asked Japan Rail about using a scooter and this was the reply:

    “We are terribly sorry, but you cannot use any JR West trains with your electric mobility scooter. We have set the condition compliant with the National report for passengers who use mobility scooter with our trains.
    Passengers who are able to use our trains with their mobility scooter are limited to those who rented their mobility scooter from the Japanese government under the Japanese law, such as “Act on Welfare of Physically Disabled Persons”.

    However, since the number of mobility scooter users is increasing, we are considering to review the standards. We are now trying to find out the way that more customers can enjoy their train trip comfortably in the future.

    At JR West stations, you can temporarily use the wheelchair owned by the station. The station staff will assist you from the ticket gate up to getting on the train.

    If you need any assistance or you wish to rent out a wheelchair, please inform us in advance so that we can assist you smoothly.

    If you wish to use these services, please contact us with extra time as possible.

    When you apply at the station on the day of use, the procedure may take some time depending on the situation, and there is a possibility of long time wait. Therefore, in order to use the service smoothly, we ask you to apply for assistance as much as possible.”

    Will Tokyo be ready to accept foreigners with various mobility devices for the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics??

    Accessible Japan replied 6 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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