okinawa transports and hotels

  • okinawa transports and hotels

    Posted by Stephane DEFREYNE on August 6, 2024 at 10:13 pm

    Hi all,

    since we felt in love with Japan, we plan to go there from Belgium next year (2025).
    As we already visit Tokyo last year and should visit Kyoto in October, we plan to get back to another experience in Okinawa in 2025.

    My wife would like to make some diving and snorkeling (I’m the one with the weelchair, so I guess this type of activities are not for me :-)), and we found a nice hotel that proposes this type of activity ( this is the Hilton Okinawa Sesoko resort). It seems quite accessible with my power wheelchair and has all the required facilities for me.
    The biggest problem seems to move from the Naha airport to the hotel, and then make some little journeys through the island to see points of interest.
    Does anyone have experience with getting around in this area ? Buses ? Trains ? Accessible taxis ? We would like to plan and budget everything to make this crazy dream possible.
    Thanks in advance for your advices !

    Josh Grisdale replied 1 month, 1 week ago 3 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies

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