Portland Travel Guide

  • Portland Travel Guide

    Posted by kevinpdx on October 1, 2019 at 3:16 am

    I’ve lived here in Portland since 2002 and thought I’d provide a few tips and tricks if you’re thinking of visiting the city. The first thing that I will mention is that the public transit is quite accessible. There are plenty of wheelchair ramps available on the MAX train system. If you need the wheelchair ramp on a bus just ask the driver and they will gladly deploy it out. The bus drivers are also trained about putting restraints on your chair so that you don’t accidentally slide around. Usually when they flip the seats up to allow a wheelchair in there is a yellow bar on the underside. If you push that it sets off a special light that lets the driver know that a wheelchair is getting off.

    Most visitors to the city arrive at the international airport. If you’re arriving from out of the country you will be bused into the international arrivals area where you go from passport control and over to pick up your baggage. The design is a bit odd because it lets you out on one end of domestic baggage claim. I strongly suggest going about halfway down through the baggage claim area to the Portland Welcome Center area. Here you can get brochures and all sorts of ideas about things to do during your stay. Depending on the amount of baggage you have and how tired you are you can either take the MAX (cheapest option), take a taxi or one of the airport shuttles downtown. 

    In my opinion the best times of the year to visit Portland are in the Fall or in the Spring. Summer can be nice however it does get quite hot sometimes. We are fortunate in that we usually don’t get the high humidity typical of the east coast in this country.

    If you’d like more information or want to drop me a question you can do so via the comments section on my website. Check it out @ https://dizzytravels.com/visit-portland-oregon/

    kevinpdx replied 4 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • schroth-sensei

    October 1, 2019 at 10:31 am

    Great post, thanks for the information. I eventually will add more international airport information to the US section, do you mind if I link to this post if I make a post on Portland International Airport for those people who have additional questions?

  • kevinpdx

    October 1, 2019 at 9:49 pm

    Sure, that’s fine.

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