Reply To: Copenhagen in a wheelchair

  • wheeltravel

    October 22, 2018 at 6:24 pm

    Access to disabled toilets in Scandinavia varies, I remember we had to pay in Sweden but not in Denmark. Oddly enough in Barcelona this year we had to pay to visit the disabled toilet in the Basilica. We didn’t have any small change but managed to exchange some notes for coins with a fellow tourist. Toilets were free at other tourist attractions but we often had to ask for them to be unlocked. In Dubrovnik we had to pay also.

    In the UK access to disabled toilets is by using a RADAR key which can be purchased from their Blue Badge scheme for 6 pounds. The toilets are locked to avoid misuse but that makes it very difficult if you are a visitor from overseas. I have read that the keys can be purchased from Boots the Chemists but when I had a look online earlier today I couldn’t find a shop that stocked the keys, but they seemed to be available to buy online, I also read they can be purchased from EBay, but haven’t investigated that avenue.

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